One Flesh
Week 2 “The Fall”
Intro: Last Week Review
- The Sin of Adam and Eve
- The Results of The Fall
- The Triumph of Jesus
1) The Sin of Adam & Eve
Vs 1-6: The Sin of Eve
Satan’s Tactics
- Did God actually say?
- Got Eve to question God’s word.
- You can be like God. He is holding back on you.
- Eve liked the idea of being like God.
- Everything seemed right. Tree looked good. The serpents word and Eve’s option seemed to line up.
- It felt right.
- Eve trusted that she knew best. I want it “ALL”. What the world has to offer is better than God.
- Delight to the eyes, make one wise, make me like God.
- Eve believed Satan’s word and her understanding more than God’s word.
Vs 6: The Sin of Adam
- He was right there with her.
- Adam failed to protect, work, keep Eve for her good.
- He passively stood by and watched. He did nothing.
- He listened to Satan and Eve’s word over God’s.
- He did what seemed right to him.
- Did not do what God told him to do. Did what God told him not to do.
Vs 8-13: More Sin
- Shame
- God called to the Man
- Did you do what I said not to do?
- “God its your fault”
- Adam blames Eve and God.
- Sick. Adam blames God for his own sin.
- Eve blames the serpent.
- Neither take responsibility.
2) The Results of the Fall
Vs 16: The Woman
- Birth pain
- Misguided desire. Look to him “or other things” for what only can be found in God.
- Oppression
Vs 17-19: The Man
- Ground is cursed.
- Work is hard.
- Death
- Passive cowardice.
- Chauvinism.
Adam and Eve are our Representatives of Humanity.
We all are in sin. Spiritually Dead.
Rom 3:23
3) Jesus Prevails
- Jesus obeys as the perfect Human
- Jesus trusts the Word of God when he is tempted. He quotes God’s word rather than questioning God’s word.
- Jesus takes responsibility. Instead of blaming His bride he takes the blame for the sin of His bride.
- Jesus protects and keeps his wife.
- Instead of failing in the garden He declares “Not my will but Yours”
- Jesus was exposed naked and felt shame even though He sinned not.
So…….. To married men and women who are redeemed by Jesus. What does God say now about marriage?
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