“I don’t expect men to live decently and in order, I expect nothing but what I am seeing. Man is the slave of sin and of Satan, therefore he lives according to that whole position, and I am not surprised. I am not surprised at world wars, I am not surprised at atomic and hydrogen bombs, I am not surprised at adultery and lust, I am not surprised at theft and robbery, I am not surprised at juvenile delinquency and all the present moral muddle. I am not surprised, I expect it, I anticipate it, and if the would should turn against Christians and massacre us, I shall not be surprised. There is nothing too bad for man in sin. “I was born in sin, and shaped in iniquity” myself, and I know the plague of my own heart. I tremble to think what I might have been but for the grace of God. I am far from perfect, but oh, what I might have been! “I am what I am by the grace of God”! and I was so vile that nothing but the grace of God could lift me up out of it”. I am Not Ashamed p216-217
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