I now have a wealth of knowledge and wisdom on being married. I have been married now for 5 days! If you have any questions on marriage i probably know the answer now. Haha.
On a serious note, i love being married to Jordan. It has been an incredible time so far here in Hawaii. We have been able to do a long list of things already from seeing the Hawaiian Palace, to the Mission Houses, getting new Levi jeans and a cool swatch watch. Oh and we also had heard that there might be some cool beaches in this place so we thought we would go on a mission to find one of those. Mission accomplished. Who knew there would be such awesome water and beaches here. Haha again. My fav thing so far though ,other than “You know What”, has been the awesome convo Jordan and i had on the 800 mile walk back from the terrible goodwill store. Talking about the gospel and Gods sovereignty, His working in all things bring such joy to me. It was a great and terrible walk. We also talked about how awesome it is that God brought us together to be one flesh now, how when we pray together, we are one and when we ask for God’s help in our time of need, we are one. It is an awesome thing that God gave marriage to us.
And last, thanks to the fellas, I have been reading Radical by David Platt on my Kindle and have been loving it. Great stuff.
Off to go Snorkel.
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