I regularly meet with couples who are living together before they are married. I have heard some argue that if a couple is not having sex then it is okay. I beg to differ. Here are the biblical reasons why I believe living together, even while not having sex, is sin.
1. In Jn 4:18 Jesus tells the Samaritan woman at the well that he knows about her 5 husbands and the man she is now living as if she is married to. Jesus calls out her sin and the woman knew it based on vs 29.
2. A Christian is called to fight for the holiness every believer. No where are we encouraged to lead other believers into tempting situations. A man who invites his soon to be bride into his home with him does not care about her obedience, rather he is walking her right into temptation to sin. He is not modeling what Jesus says husbands or soon to be husbands are called to do, love her as Christ has loved us and sanctify her as Jesus sanctifies us “Eph 5:25-33
3. The Proverbs 31 woman had a husband who was to speak well of her at the city gates “Vs 31”. A couple that claims to love Jesus, are together in large part because they respect the character of each other. If that is true, then the couple should fight for that character to be seen by others. They should want other people to know about their significant other what they already know “This is a Godly man or woman”.
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