James 3:1 “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.”
How are we as preachers and teachers of the bible to understand this verse in James? This passage has been the haunt of many a pastor and the deterrent of many of would be preacher/teachers. However, I think we miss huge treasures by not letting this crushing law lead us the the glorious gospel. James 3:1 contains unbelievable power and help for every preacher of the word. Preacher, He died for the world in a general way, his bride in a particular way, and for you in one other way.
Preacher and teacher of the word you will be judged with greater strictness than all other people. We have a clear word to us and us alone that we are held to even a higher standard of the law of perfection in Matthew 5:48. We in some way must be perfecter than perfect. So what on earth are we to do?!!!!!!!!!!!
We imperfectly run, trust, rest, love, cling too, worship the One who was judged in our place. Jesus was not only judged in my place as a sinner but He was judged with greater strictness in my place for my sins as a preacher. This wonderful verse should drive every preacher/teacher of the word to the cross of Jesus Christ. There He was judged with greater strictness for me.
So preacher read that verse. We have a verse that helps us in particular run to Jesus in terror and rest in our Fathers loving arms in eternal joy. This verse is power to us. Jesus the judge was judged with greater strictness for you. There at the cross is your grace and power for the day.
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