Last week I wrote about my friend Jeff. Today I want to tell you about Gregg. He has been a mentor of mind for about 5 years now. I used to be a campus pastor of a multi-site church and Gregg was the Executive Pastor. Here are a few things I have learned from my sage.
Retirement does not mean retirement. Gregg retired from formal ministry earlier this year. Since that time he has worked and worked hard. That seems to be the thing to do in retirement. Get a job:) A few weeks ago I showed up for our meeting only to find him putting insulation in the ceiling of the building. Ever put in insulation? Not fun. I have watched him work hard for little money for the sake of the kingdom. I want to be like that when I am 65.
Another thing I admire about my mentor is that he is still making disciples. If you were to go ask him who he was disicpling, he would give you a few names. Right before he retired he told me that he all he does in administration is worth it as long as he gets to disciple men. He has been doing that for 40 years and he has no plans to stop. Again, I want to be like that when I am 65.
I am terrible at administration. Seems like a lot of pastors are. But not Gregg. He has charts for his charts. If you put a group of administrators in a room together he would be the only real administrator in the room. He is that good. Many of the admin folks I have met have a hard time dealing with people. They want to see results and want to see their systems and structures grow. It is easy for people like that to miss the “heart” of other people because, after all, it is hard to chart the heart. With me, Gregg has cared for my heart. When I was getting crushed in ministry he helped me not give up. He let me cry and listened to me complain. The Holy Spirit helped me through Gregg’s wisdom and kindness. He knows that structures and systems are important, but people are more important.
Family, is important to Gregg. I love hearing him talk about his wife, children or grandchildren. He loves his family well. He is not one of the preachers that only says his family is a priority. Every year I hear about the family camp that he and all his family go to. How cool is that?! Family camp. I want to be a family man like he is a family man.
Last week I asked Gregg to come and speak at our church’s men’s disicpleship. He said “I already know what I will speak on. Grace.” Gregg loves the Gospel of Jesus. He grew up Mormon so he grew up in a graceless religion. The message of Christianity was both difficult and compelling to him. God saves sinners by grace and not by works of the law. I saw joy in my friend as he recalled his conversion. It was clear to me, he wanted other men to know the same message. He would want you to know that message.
These are just a few of the reasons that I love my friend, brother, and mentor Gregg. Or I could say Dr. Gregg Donaldson. But I would have to tell you the Dr. part. He wouldn’t offer that up. Another reason why I want to be like him.
Last week I asked “Who is your Paul?” By God’s grace I have Jeff and Gregg and have yet to tell you about Curt and Matt. Soon.
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