Wanting to start family discipleship but don’t know how to start? Here are some resources that may be helpful. Family Discipleship Resources BibleThis first place to start with family discipleship is the bible. Find a year reading plan (Simply google it) and simply start it as a family. If you don’t want to go by a year reading plan then start in the New Testament and read a chapter at a time. Dad, rally the troops and dive into the bible. Jesus Storybook Bible Deluxe Edition Sally-Lloyd Jones All Ages This is a great book for people of all ages. This will help to understand the bible as a whole. This will help you see how the bible fits together and how Jesus is what the bible is about. It may be a children’s bible but this is for all ages. Parents, you will learn. Knowing God by J.I. Packer 15-Adult This is a Great Read for Parents. I have put this in here because I believe this will help a parent understand God more. There are many books that give factual information about God, but this book is different. As the author says “This book will help know God, and not simply know about Him.” Let Me Be a Woman Elizabeth Elliot Age 10-Adult Ladies Elizabeth Elliot does in this small book what theologians take 1000 pages to do. She addresses the lost beauty of biblical femininity. Mark of a Man Elizabeth Elliot Age 10- Adult Men You might think that a book about biblical masculinity should be written by a man. Read this book as if you are being summed by a grandmother to step up and the man God is calling you to be. This wise old woman understands biblical masculinity and is eager to share about it. Death By Love Mark Driscoll Age 16 to Adult This book gives the reader a firm foundation about the bigness of the Gospel. Each chapter breaks down a different accomplishment of the cross. This is a highly informative, emotive, and practice book. Christian Beliefs: 20 Basics Every Christian Should Know Elliot Grudem Age 9 to Adult It seems that many doctrines of our faith have come to be either assumed or forgotten. This book will give broad stoke overviews of some basics of our faith. You may agree or disagree with some of the chapters. Let them be a challenge to you. Morning and Evening C.H. Spurgeon All Ages This book is perfect for family time prayer and devotional. This will likely be over the heads of younger children, so it may work best for a husband/wife devotional time.
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