I don’t know about you, but there are times that i look at my watch and realize that and i have wasted about 3 hours doing nothing but stupid stuff online. First it was just going to be a quick check of facebook, and then the next thing i know i am looking up Tonya Harding on Wikipedia. I remember back when i was making fun of anyone who had facebook or myspace, and would boldly declared that i would never get either one. Well now i have both, with a youtube channel and this stinkin blog. Its crazy how much stuff there is to keep up with. I even tried twitter for a while. I could only last a few weeks trying that before I went crazy.
Its so easy for stupid things like websites to become idols. I find myself feeling like such a loser that i know facts about Emanuel Lewis when i could have been reading or praying. I am not one of those “When you wake up at night, read the bible cause God woke you up” kinda guys but for real lets stop wasting our lives on facebook, video games and twitter. Read a good book, maybe even the bible “I know that seems to not be all that popular with 20 somethings”, and lets not throw away our lives on making idols out of trivial things. Could it be that our depravity thrives among the wasted time of meaningless media. I think so. Jesus thank you for Grace.
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