Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
Tragedy comes. Tears flow. Silence. Back come the tears. In the heat of trauma, the heart can receive little more than a committed brother or sister weeping with those who weep. But at the appropriate time, verses like Romans 8:28 can be a drink of water for the soul. God brings double comfort, through the Spirit led tears of another, then by his word of promise.
What I have described is the most common use of Romans 8:28. It’s a verse that brings comfort to the hurting. Yet there is more. It struck me a few weeks back in the form of questions. Is it only the bad things that God works for our good? Good things are included in all things right? It must mean the good that comes our way is not the greatest good. God is working even the good for my Good.
2015 was an incredibly hard year for our family. In the heat of the trial, it was unclear how God was crafting it all for our good. But He was. Looking back, it’s clear to see what He was up to. He worked the bad for our good. But what was the good? Was it the change of our situation into a better situation? He did that. We are in a far better situation in life and ministry that we where just two years ago. But that is not the good. The good is that we were strengthened in heart. God provided and our soul was nourished. Getting to experience God provide is so much better than the provision itself. God proved again that we were of more value than the birds. That is good!
Likewise, God uses the good for our Good. For the last year or so, I have been annoying Jordan about getting a Pecan Tree. We live in a new house and have transitioned our projects from the house to the yard. Next on our list? Trees. I knew a Pecan tree would take about 10-12 years to start producing, but I was okay with that. I would have pecans from my mid 40’s to whenever I die. Good deal! But as I was doing research on trees I decided to do a walk about on our property. Come to find out, we had 6 bundles of well-developed Pecan trees! We will have pecans this fall!
What I just described was good! Really good! I can’t tell you how happy I am about this. We told my family about it. Jordan posted on instagram about it. It’s just cool! So how is God working this category of all things together for my good? The pecans are not the point. What is? God!
I got to experience the providence of God! Several years ago someone planted those trees. This property was a cow pasture at one point. Yet someone planted pecan trees. Twenty years later God provided a way for us to buy lot 19. About a year after that my parents bought lot 18 for us to use. It was lot 18 that we found all those pecan tress. The intentionality of God in his care for me us the Good. He did not have to do this! He would have been just as good if he didn’t. They are trees. No big deal! But he did. And he is working all things (Pecan Trees) for my good.
For that… I am thankful.
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