Pharisees and Hypocrites
1. Repented but bore no fruit. Matt 3:8
2. Always want other people to know what they themselves have done for God. Matt 6:1
3. Desire the praise of man. Matt 6:2
4. Always find ways to let others know when they’re fasting. Matt 6:16
5. Has the ability to see every little sin of others, yet is blind to they’re own sin. Matt 7:5
6. Question Jesus about who he is hanging out with. Matt 9:11
7. Corrected Jesus. Matt 12:2
8. Conspired against Jesus. Matt 12:14
9. What Jesus did and Who he was, was never good enough. They wanted different signs. Matt 12:38
10. Always grumble. Jesus did not do things they way they wanted him too. Matt 14:2
11. Honor God with their mouths but not their hearts. Matt 15:8
12. Were offended by Jesus. Matt 15:12
13. Jesus warned us to beware of Pharisees. Matt 16:6
14. Tried to set Jesus up to fail. Matt 18:3
15. Plotted to entangle Jesus in his words. Matt 22:15
16. Tie heavy burdens on people, but don’t help them carry them. Matt 23:4
17. Do all their deeds to be seen by others. Matt 23:5
18. They love to receive honor. Matt 23:6
19. They love being known. Matt 23:7
20. Gather followers around themselves and not Jesus. Matt 23:15
21. Tithe but don’t care about justice, mercy, or faithfulness. Matt 23:23
22. Care about external holiness not internal holiness. Matt 23:25
23. Appear righteous, but are hypocrites and lawless within. Matt 23:28
24. Sought false testimony about Jesus. Matt 26:59
25. Took counsel against Jesus to put him to death and delivered him to Pilate. Matt 27:1-2
Are you a Pharisee or Hypocrite? Let me give you a hint. The Pharisee and Hypocrite will assuredly and adamantly cry out NO!!!! For me, I am thankful that God saved this Pharisee. .
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