Holding justification and adoption together is supremely important. What happens if we fail to hold on to both doctrines? Justification without adoption can lead to a static and impersonal understanding of God. Yes, you will be firm in your understanding of forgiveness, but you will know nothing of sonship. When other people talk about a ... Continue Reading
Open Doors and Adversaries
1 Corinthians 16:9 "For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries."When I think about God opening doors for effective ministry, adversaries are not the first thing that pop into my mind. I mean wouldn't it seem like the verse should read "A wide door for effective work has opened to me, and when God opens it ... Continue Reading
Christ Church of Carbondale
It's an incredible thing when God asks you do something unforeseen. It's also a difficult thing. From that footing of faith and fear, I make this announcement. Over the past 2 and a half years I have been serving at Christian Covenant Fellowship in Carterville. My family and I believed that was where the Lord would have us for a lifetime. However, ... Continue Reading
Problems With “Healing Now” Theology
Example Statements from major Protestant Denominations.Assemblies of God“Christ’s death on the cross not only provides for forgiveness of sin but also healing for sickness. The One who gave you the gift of eternal life…is the same One who can heal your body.”Church of God (Cleveland Tn)Divine healing is provided for all in the atonement.What do I ... Continue Reading
Review: Golden Fox Arizona Chukka Boot
For my birthday, I got a pair of Golden Fox Arizona Chukka Boots.When I purchased the shoes I was somewhat skeptical due to the low price of $67. I have purchased boots around that price before and they turned out to be very low quality. These boots, however, have been a really pleasant surprise! The look and construction of the boots are ... Continue Reading
Ministry Wives- A Helper fit for Him by Jordan Sparks
I have asked of other ministry wives, “To what degree do you get involved in the hardships of your husband’s ministry?” I know that I have often felt the tug of the mamma bear inside of me to get the claws out when I feel that my husband is being wronged in some way. Although at times my response may be fleshly, I wonder if I indeed have some role ... Continue Reading
Biblical Pastoring Within any Ministry Model
Pastor here are some things you can do within any model of ministry. The church you inherit may be seeker, missional, purpose driven, or whatever else.Can Do List 1. Pastor your family well. 2. Preach the bible faithfully. 3. Prioritize mutual discipleship relationships with your elder (Leadership) team.4. Disciple 6-8 men from within the ... Continue Reading
Sermon Outline Jn 7:56-8:11
John 7:53-8:11No CondemnationIntro: Pharisaical Jealousy vs 6 Trying to trick Jesus so they can have a charge against him. They don't care about truth, they just want to maintain authority over Jesus. They literally try to trick Jesus. How? Through public shaming and exposing of a womans sin. Notice the extent they ... Continue Reading
Sermon Outline: John 6:16-71
John 6:16-71"Jesus' Hard Words of Life"Intro: The Bible Shatters Our Boxes Jn 6:63 "It is the Spirit who gives life: the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoke to you are spirit and life"Most of the people in John 6 depend on the flesh and disagree with Jesus. Will we? Welcome to Paradox. We need the Holy ... Continue Reading
“I am Busy Pastor Because I am Lazy Pastor” Eugene Peterson
This morning I read an incredible chapter from Eugene Peterson's book The Contemplative Pastor. I want to share a couple excerpts from the chapter entitled "The Unbusy Pastor"."The poor man," we say. "He's so devoted to his flock: the work is endless, and he sacrifices himself so unstintingly." But the Word busy is the symptom not of commitment but ... Continue Reading