I started working for integrity roofing and exteriors in July of this year. After the May 8th storm there was a great deal of work that needed to be done and companies were running around hiring lots of people just trying to keep up with all the work. I landed with a great company who does quality work and really takes care of there employees. This ... Continue Reading
Jesus the True and Better
This has an unknown source but from what i hear was found by Tim Keller from Redeemer in NYC. Enjoy! Jesus is the true and better Adam who passed the test in the garden and whose obedience is imputed to us. Jesus is the true and better Abel who, though innocently slain, has blood now that cries out, not for our condemnation, but for ... Continue Reading
Jesus, Community, Demand of the call, Rest
Posted this last year thought i would post it again. Jesus, Community, Demand of the call, RestLast Sunday night our Ecclesiastes study lead us to Mark chapter 6. Mark 6 tells us of how Jesus gives authority to the 12 and sends them out without all the things that would typically be needed for a trip. Jesus sends them off but with no resources. If ... Continue Reading
Awesome St. Augustine Quote!
"During all those years [of rebellion], where was my free will? What was the hidden, secret place from which it was summoned in a moment, so that I might bend my neck to your easy yoke . . .? How sweet all at once it was for me to be rid of those fruitless joys which I had once feared to lose . . ! You drove them from me, you who are the true, the ... Continue Reading
Good Friday
I just sitting at Panera doing a little study and i just thought i would write a quick blog so here ya are. This weekend is rather a big weekend in Christianity. This weekend all over the world people bust out there best shirt and nicest pants and head of to do there yearly duty of going to church on Easter. If i had to guess, i would day there ... Continue Reading
Pastoral Epistles
Pastoral Epistles Part 2A few weeks ago i posted a blog highlighting the headings of each chapter of 1,2 Tim and Titus here. Check that out if you want, before you read on. I want to spend just a few min and talk about why those books are so important and what they mean to me.Both Timothy and Titus were disciples of Paul. Paul had deep affection ... Continue Reading
Death of my Truck
This is a sad day for me today. I have had my truck since i was 18 years old and today it was sold to the junk yard. That truck has been a great truck to me and i was so awesome that i have to blog about it. My dad gave it to me with 165 k miles on it and it died with 263 k on it. How crazy is it that we live in a place in the world where the ... Continue Reading
Facebook Robs
I don't know about you, but there are times that i look at my watch and realize that and i have wasted about 3 hours doing nothing but stupid stuff online. First it was just going to be a quick check of facebook, and then the next thing i know i am looking up Tonya Harding on Wikipedia. I remember back when i was making fun of anyone who had ... Continue Reading
Read Good Books
Lately i have wondered how it is that crapy books get such high reviews on Amazon. I feel like i have figured it out, so i am going to lay down a few thoughts and just hope they make sense. Most people lie about how much they read. I have to admit that there are times i act like i have read a book cover to cover when in reality i have not. However, ... Continue Reading
Basic Understanding of the Bible
Old Testament= Jesus declares in John 5 that the Old Testament is about Him. This means that all of the bible is about Jesus. So what can we get out of the OT. The OT shows us that we cannot attain righteousness on our own. In Exodus 20 God gives His people the ten commandments “Basics of Morality” and yet commandments in its basic form, people are ... Continue Reading