The last couple days myself along with our 4 other Pastors at Cornerstone church were in St. Louis for the Acts29 quarterly event. Here are some links to some of the great stuff that we heard from Jared Wilson. These links are not from yesterdays event but are similar in content. AudioAnd to his Blog which is one of my favorites to read. ... Continue Reading
Discipleship: Just do It!
I have met so many pastors/leaders/home team leaders, over the years that who have all the right questions about discipleship. Questions in and of themselves are not bad unless they are paralyzing to the work. In fact the first step to working towards a better way of discipleship is to question the current form or lack thereof. However, It is ... Continue Reading
Relational Conversation Tips and Thoughts.
Another Pic of me and the beautiful Jordan Rae! Here are a few random thoughts and/or tips on what true relationships require. 1. Say what you want to say instead of beating around the bush. 2. Say completely and clearly what needs to be said. 3. Make sure the other person understands what is being said or asked. 4. Look a person in the eye. 5. ... Continue Reading
Some pics ... Continue Reading
Preaching the Gospel IS Preaching the Kingdom
Preach the Kingdom or Preach the Gospel? Same thing?In my limited reading of the debates back and forth concerning the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Gospel that Paul preached, I have been both frustrated and amazed. I have been frustrated at scholars or preachers who want to make a distinction between the kingdom and the gospel as if they are ... Continue Reading
Eternal Security: Blog for Our Church, but you can read it too i guess.
Eternal Security If you are truly saved you can never lose your salvation. This is an incredible reality that I believe because I believe the bible clearly teaches it. In this short blog I will not be able to be comprehensive about this rather I will simply share some reasons why I believe eternal security by simply looking at one verse, 2 Cor ... Continue Reading
Martin Lloyd-Jones on Gospel Centered Sactification
I read this a couple months ago from Lloyd-Jones book Preaching and Preachers and thought I would share it with you today. This book is probably the best book I have ever read on preaching. I dont have a page number so my bad on that, just read the whole book. "Let me use a medical illustration. Take a man who is lying on a bed and writhing in ... Continue Reading
Sanctification by Gospel Power
John 14:15 "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." I can't think of many more power packed verses than this little verse. This verse has everything to do with growing as a Christian. The sanctification of a Christian will look completely different depending on how this text is understood,in fact if you misunderstand this verse your ... Continue Reading
Family Discipleship Resourses
Wanting to start family discipleship but don't know how to start? Here are some resources that may be helpful. Family Discipleship Resources BibleThis first place to start with family discipleship is the bible. Find a year reading plan (Simply google it) and simply start it as a family. If you don’t want to go by a year reading plan then start in ... Continue Reading
Sermon Preview-“Jesus the true Man”
This Sunday is week two in our "He IS" Sermon series. I will be preaching from Matt 26:47-56. I want to give you men, and women, a little teaser before tomorrow so here is a couple thoughts about the text for the men. Ladies this is for you too, I will explain more tomorrow. Jesus is the man! In the last 15 or so years, their has been a great ... Continue Reading