When I was a young boy I asked my mother a question, "How can I hear from God?" She answered the question, but I had a hard time understanding. Some of you may have that same question. Can I hear from God? How do I know if it's God or me? The question itself reveals a problem. In Southern Illinois, what I have found is that most people ... Continue Reading
The Real Problems in the SBC : Authority, Ecclesiology, False Complementarianism
Recently, the Houston Chronicle published an article that revealed horrific sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention. Since the publication, there has been appropriate outrage and thousands of articles written in response. SBC entities have been scrambling around trying to get out reports and establish committees to ensure these sorts ... Continue Reading
The American Dream Is Awesome
This article is not really about the American Dream. But it sort of is. It all started on May 20, 2000. With one great sermon, John Piper single handily took down a version of The American Dream for an entire Christian generation. A countless number of pastors and missionaries look back to that moment as pivotal in their life and calling. Yet ... Continue Reading
The First Prosperity Preachers
The error of prosperity theology comes down to one question. Does the Christian receive all the benefits of the cross now, or are some benefits of salvation kept for us until Christ returns? That's it. How you answer that question determines if you embrace prosperity theology or not. Prosperity preachers have been around a long time. It is true ... Continue Reading
Is This My Flesh or The Enemy?
The Flesh “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.” Romans 7:18-19 The Enemy “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on ... Continue Reading
Year Three: Marriage and Work
I met Jordan the year before. I entered into our first real conversation with my future wife as a nervous wreck. A group of us went to a Jason Morant concert (What happened to that guy?) and afterward, in typical post-concert fashion, we went to Denny's to get a grand slam and a crummy cup of coffee. God answered my prayers, I got to sit right next ... Continue Reading
C.S. Lewis on Lust and Masturbation
What is the sin behind the sin of lust, pornography, and masturbation? What is the root sin of those fruit sins? Consider the words of C.S. Lewis. “For me the real evil of masturbation would be that it takes an appetite which, in lawful use, leads the individual out of himself to complete (and correct) his own personality in that of another (and ... Continue Reading
Why I Like John Eldredge
Okay, I know Challies does not like John Eldredge. I really appreciate Tim Challies and believe he is the most trustworthy book reviewer out there. I think he is right about John Eldredge. And I think he is wrong. He is wrong because I think he has missed the overwhelming good because of bad. Many of you have heard of Eldredge most famous book ... Continue Reading
Year 2: I’m Young! I Have No Idea What I’m Doing!
I made it through the first year of pastoral ministry largely with the aid of naivety. Better said, grace-given naivety. But then came year two. Year two was similar to year one. We were having a good time and God was being faithful in spite of our ridiculousness. But year two was also very different than year one. I started to see my need for ... Continue Reading
Year 1
My first year of pastoral ministry was insane. I mean insane! Let me clarify. I was 24, single and fresh out of Pentecostal college (Lee University). All I knew of preaching was what I heard from Mark Driscoll and Matt Chandler. Theologically, I had just been rescued from Rob Bell, Greg Boyd, and Open Theism. I went from that extreme to the extreme ... Continue Reading