I have been reading a book called The Apostles Doctrine of the Atonement by George Smeaton via the recommendation of Jerry Bridges in his book The Transforming Power of the Gospel. In Bridges book he makes the claim that Smeaton’s book is the best he has every read on the gospel. So I bought it. I am 135 pages into 478 and so far from me it is receiving a 5 out of 5 stars. Here is a sample of the awesomeness.
“As these epistles were not addressed to mankind indiscriminately, but to companies of redeemed men gathered together in several places, and are to be read as primarily addressed to believer, the numerous explanations they contain as to the Lord’s atoning death, suffice to prove that there is not a spiritual blessing which does not stand in immediate or mediate connection with it, not a duty which is not enforced by it as a motive. How wide the influence of the great article is on doctrine and practice, at once appears from the place which it occupies in the epistles. The entire range of scripture truth takes a tincture from it, and its influence is felt even where it may not be expressly named” pg 100
“With the apostles this is the great fact in the world’s history, the chief topic, the central truth from which they start, and to which they return. All the Pauline epistles, with the single exception of the simple Epistle to Philemon- a letter to a private individual- make express mention of the atonement as the most momentous face that ever occurred in human history, and fraught with the most blessed results.” pg 101
You can purchase the book at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Apostles-Doctrine-Atonement-George-Smeaton/dp/0851515991/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1357218777&sr=8-1&keywords=the+apostles+doctrine+of+the+atonement
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