Of the books that I read in 2012, here is a short list of those that I found the most helpful, beneficial, and God glorifying. The Transforming Power of the Gospel, by Jerry Bridges This was the best modern book that I have ever read on gospel powered sanctification. Gospel Deeps, by Jared Wilson As with ... Continue Reading
A Critical Review of Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley
After reading so many positive and so few critical reviews on this book I decided to throw down some thoughts. Just felt like this review (My first book review) may be helpful. Deep and Wide: Creating Churches that UnChruched People love to Attend by Andy Stanley is a book that is about creating churches that unchurched people love to attend. ... Continue Reading
John Stott on Eph 1
I do not endorse all of Stott's theology but this is awesome commentary on the book of Ephesians. "Thus everything we have and are in Christ both comes from God and returns to God. It begins in his will and ends in his glory. For this is where everything begins and ends. Yet such Christian talk comes into violent collision with the ... Continue Reading
Calvin on The Love of Christ
Calvin's Commentary on Eph 3:19The love of Christ is held out to us as the subject which ought to occupy our daily and nightly meditations, and in which we ought to be wholly plunged. He who is in possession of this alone has enough. Beyond it there is nothing solid, nothing useful,-nothing, in short, that is proper or sound. Though you survey the ... Continue Reading
Hold Fast to Christ
Col 2:23 "These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh."This passage in Colossians as every passage in the bible has something in it that we need to SEE. Apparently there are some things that have an appearance of ... Continue Reading
Gospel Centered Art
About a month ago my wife Jordan painted me this doctrinaly rich painting. The red coming from the top is God's righteous wrath. With that knowledge look for these things. 1.Propitiation 2.Expiation3.Particular Redemption 4.God's Holiness5.Missio Dei6.The Great Commission7.Penal Substitution8.Justice9.GraceAmazing! God is so good! Thanks Jordan for ... Continue Reading
Community Exegesis
My pastor Michael Nave introduced me to community exegesis about 3 years ago. What I mean by that is that before any sermon is preached at Cornerstone church, the text has been studied together by a group of at least four pastors. After seeing the difference from individual exegesis compared to community, I have to say that I will never go back. ... Continue Reading
I Believe Happiness and Joy are the Same Thing
It is easy for Christians to misunderstand non-Christians. As a pastor I know all to well that it is easy to get into a Christian sub-culture only to look out at the culture and think that "they" are like this or that. I can't recall how may times that I have heard and said that "The people in Southern Illinois drink to get drunk". From a Southern ... Continue Reading
Yesterday we had our fist baptisms at Cornerstone Carterville. It is so exciting to see God move in the lives of people as they took a step of obedience in getting baptized. Here are some reasons I love baptisms. 1. Baptism is a testimony to the power of the atonement. 2. Millions of people have gone before us in baptism and probably millions more ... Continue Reading
My New Stand Up Desk
My father-in law and I built this. Meaning my father-in law built this. I will now live 15% longer than those traditional desk users. ... Continue Reading