Here is a list of books that I would have loved to be given to read when I was 20 years old. If by God's grace I get to disciple future pastors, these are the some of the books I will have them read. 1. The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter 2. The Transforming Power of the Gospel by Jerry Bridges 3. Christ Centered ... Continue Reading
Few women know what the word “WOMAN” means.
A Woman:1. Understands that she was created equal but different than men.2. Understands she was created to glorify God.3. Understands the Glory of God is seen most clearly in the face of Christ Jesus and His work.4. Sees the value, not just the commands, of helping and submitting.5. Sees this value by seeing the beauty of Jesus the great helper of ... Continue Reading
Sermon Notes on Colossians 2:1-7
These is my notes from a sermon I preached last night. May not make a ton of sense, but I thought I would post them anyways. Colossians 2:1-7The Centrality of the Christ of All Treasures Intro: Colossians: Hey Church, Christ is Awesome - Let me tell you about Jesus - The Holy Spirit through Paul is Glorifying the Son Jesus Christ - ... Continue Reading
Interesting: Spurgeon was not a Young Earth Creationist
From the sermon "Power of the Holy Ghost""In the 2nd verse of the first chapter of Genesis, we read, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved the face of the waters." We know not how remote the period of creation of this globe may be- certainly many millions of years before ... Continue Reading
Spurgeon on Calvinism
I have always been puzzled by folks who try to make the claim that Spurgeon was not a Calvinist in his soteriology. When that claim is made I immediately know that they have read little to none of his works. As an example, here is an excerpt from a sermon I read recently entitled "Christ Crucified"."I have my own private opinion, that there is no ... Continue Reading
Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Marriage and the Atonement
How many of us have realized that we are always to think of the married state in terms of the doctrine of the atonement? Where do we find what the books have to say about marriage? Under which section? Under ethics. But it does not belong there. We must consider marriage in terms of the doctrine of the atonement. Lloyd-Jones ... Continue Reading
Highlight from “The Comforter” by Charles Spurgeon
Ah! does he (The Holy Spirit) not whisper to the heart, "Saints, be of good cheer; there is one who dies for thee; look to Calvary, behold his wounds, see the torrent gushing from his side- there is thy purchaser, and thou are secure. He loves thee with an everlasting love, and this chastisement is meant for thy good; each stoke is working thy ... Continue Reading
Implications from the Headship of the Father to the Son.
As I have previously posted in this series, the Trinity and the Gospel provide the framework for how we are to understand biblical manhood and womanhood. In this post I will go over what we can learn about what it means to be a man, and husband, as we look to the example of the Triune God that we serve. It is very common to answer that question by ... Continue Reading
What does it mean to be a man?
Problem Statement:Recent history shows us that the church at large, and men in particular have been confused on how to define manhood. Many in the church, and in the non-church world, have identified a problem with the young men of today and our extended adolescence. Most men my age in the church are completely confused as to what it means to be a ... Continue Reading
The Science of Jesus Christ is the most excellent of sciences.
Excerpt from the Sermon "The Bible" by Charles Spurgeon"The science of Jesus Christ is the most excellent of sciences. Let no one turn away from the Bible because it is not a book of learning and wisdom. It is. Would ye know astronomy? It is here: it tells you of the Sun of Righteousness and the Star of Bethlehem Would you know ... Continue Reading