Feminine Sins The daughters of Eve are being seduced. Feminine temptations to sin are the same today as they were in the garden. That wile Serpent still whispers in the ear of women “God is holding back on you! You know better than God! You be you! You fulfill your dreams! Put yourself first” I see women everywhere nodding in ... Continue Reading
The Cross of Christ and the Love of God
There are several reasons that Christians doubt God's love. Number one, Christians doubt God's love because of their feelings. Meaning, “I am having a hard day today, it does not feel like God loves me today. Therefore, God must not love me. Or maybe he has forgotten about me.” Have you ever felt like God was overlooking you, or that He did not ... Continue Reading
Dear Carbondale: Deo Volente
I want to establish some cred on the front end so let me start with a quote from the magician scholar Penn Jillette, “I’ve always said that I don’t respect people who don’t proselytize. I don’t respect that at all. If you believe that there’s a heaven and a hell, and people could be going to hell or not getting eternal life, and you think that ... Continue Reading
Hey! You Can Hear From God!
When I was a young boy I asked my mother a question, "How can I hear from God?" She answered the question, but I had a hard time understanding. Some of you may have that same question. Can I hear from God? How do I know if it's God or me? The question itself reveals a problem. In Southern Illinois, what I have found is that most people ... Continue Reading
Can We Please Get Over Ourselves?!
I have a thesis that I believe to be true. No, not just true to me, I mean actually true. If you can get past the offense of the first two sentences, then proceed with me. The more glorious something is, the more seductive of a false gospel it is. No sane person is obsessed with dog poop. Why? Dog poop smells, it smears, and it just won't go away. ... Continue Reading
The Real Problems in the SBC : Authority, Ecclesiology, False Complementarianism
Recently, the Houston Chronicle published an article that revealed horrific sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention. Since the publication, there has been appropriate outrage and thousands of articles written in response. SBC entities have been scrambling around trying to get out reports and establish committees to ensure these sorts ... Continue Reading
The American Dream Is Awesome
This article is not really about the American Dream. But it sort of is. It all started on May 20, 2000. With one great sermon, John Piper single handily took down a version of The American Dream for an entire Christian generation. A countless number of pastors and missionaries look back to that moment as pivotal in their life and calling. Yet ... Continue Reading
feMENine Corinth
1 Cor. 11, the wildly popular chapter on head coverings, has confused Christians down through the centuries. Just open up a few commentaries and read. Is Paul talking about literal head coverings, a woman's hair, or the husband as the head? Can a man have long hair and a woman short hair, or is that only cultural? Is there a truth beneath the truth ... Continue Reading
Aspire to Live Quietly
“Aspire to live quietly, and mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you. So that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent upon no one.” 1 Thess. 4:11-12 “Live loud!” the pastor yells! “Make a splash! Change the world! Do something big! Make your life count!” He screams. The Apostle Paul comes over and ... Continue Reading
Devotion to Good Works
Titus 3:8 "The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people." Paul is writing this letter to Titus, who he left on the island of Crete. He has some things he wanted Titus to do there. ... Continue Reading