I am forever grateful to God for how He has used Martyn Lloyd-Jones in my life. I have learned more about preaching from MLJ than any other man. Here is a famous excerpt from his book Preaching and Preachers. The book can be purchased Here . I cannot recommend it highly enough."What is preaching? Logic on fire! Eloquent reason! Are these ... Continue Reading
Young Preacher: Are you biblical or corporate?
In the world that is Christian ministry today you will be hard pressed to find the differences between a well managed church and a well managed company. The young preacher has to decide "Do I want to be a CEO or a pastor>""Is the church a business or a supernatural people?". Beware of those who think it is easy to transfer principles from the ... Continue Reading
Our Son Ransom is Here!
One of the things Jordan and I have heard from several people is that having a baby will help us understand the love of God in far greater ways. Now that our son Ransom is here I have to admit that they were right. But let me explain a common mistake people make with the connections between a father and son and God and ... Continue Reading
Handwritten Quote of the Day
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Handwritten Quote of the Day: by Martyn Lloyd-Jones
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Church Home: Maybe You Should Leave Your Church
When I am home, I am happy. I love my home and the peace that I feel when I am there. If you are like me being "Home" has a tangible feeling that comes with it. Peace, joy, rest, challenge, sanctifying confrontation, work, pleasure, leisure, and so many more words that are associated with "Home". So how about your church ... Continue Reading
Sermon Outline: Ecc 3:16-22
Ecclesiastes 3:16-22 "Corruption, The Certainty of Death, & the Afterlife" or "Observation's About Humanity"Intro: Last Time: The Backdrop is God's Sov: What about Humanity? The problem of the world? Wars, Greed, Economic Woes, Crime, Death. Nations are made up of individuals. Individuals are the problem. The sinful heart ... Continue Reading
Handwritten Quote of the Day
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I got a Typewriter!
I have wanted a typewriter for a long time now. After looking on Craigslist and Ebay for months I decided not to purchase one. This is due to the fact that I am very cheep. Last week however, Jordan and I "And the baby" went to an estate sale and I found this one for 15 bucks. I can now type very slow and inefficiently any time I want! ... Continue Reading
Judged with greater strictness?
James 3:1 "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness." How are we as preachers and teachers of the bible to understand this verse in James? This passage has been the haunt of many a pastor and the deterrent of many of would be preacher/teachers. However, I think ... Continue Reading