From God's Ultimate Purpose pg171 On Eph 1:7"We now come to deal with the last phrase in this verse-"According to the riches of his grace". There are many ways of considering and studying the Scripture; and it must be clear by now that I am a follower and exponent of one particular method. I regard the Scripture and these great statements in it as ... Continue Reading
Quote of the Day: From Elyse Fitzpatrick #Gospelawesomeness
Earlier today my wife Jordan Instagramed this paragraph from Elyse Fitzpatrick's book Good News for Weary Women. I look forward to reading this book because I know it contains Good News for weary pastors as well."There are only two possible destinations when you begin your race from the starting line that reads "I'm going to be better-really, I ... Continue Reading
Sermon Notes on John 1:1-18
If you missed this Sunday you can listen to the sermon at christiancovenantfellowship.comJohn 1:1-18"The Word"Intro: Evangelism and TheologyLightbulb moment this week. Doctrine=Legalism Matt 15:9 Teaching as doctrines the cofmEvangelism requires TheologyJohn starts in the BeginningVs 1-3:The Word and His Power 1) The Word was In the beginning "vs 3 ... Continue Reading
A Call to the Abundant Life
This morning in our bible study we went through 2 Cor. 11. We had some really good discussion and I would like to share my thoughts. This is how I was challenged.John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."Case Study: Some people define the Abundant Life that Jesus promised ... Continue Reading
Tuesday’s With a Friend
Every Tuesday morning I have breakfast with my friend Jeff. I always leave those breakfast full of thoughts about Jesus. God has used Jeff in my life in a great way. We are currently going chapter by chapter through a book about Jesus. This morning we talked about Jesus and his scandalous freedom. Jesus freedom was/is the truest and best kind of ... Continue Reading
A Little Disagreement with my Favorite Preacher Matt Chandler
In a world that is clueless about commitment, beauty, love, loyalty, womanhood, manhood, the bible, and everything else, how on earth is a man to find a real woman? My answer? God. In fact this one of the only things I have ever disagreed with my favorite preacher Matt Chandler about. I have heard him countless times say "There is no magical "ONE" ... Continue Reading
During Response Time She Said “I am praying for you. I can tell you are an angry and unhappy man.”
At our church I get to preach at least once a month. We have two services on Sunday mornings that are separated by about 20 min in between. Last month I got done preaching the first service sermon and a lady cam forward for prayer. I had never seen this woman before and have not seen her sense. She proceed to give me ... Continue Reading
1 Thess 5:22 Talk About a Misused Bible Verse.
1 Thess 5:22 KJV "Abstain from all appearance of evil"1 Thess 5:22 ESV "Abstain from every form of evil"1 Thess 5:22 NIV "Abstain from every kind of evil"Legalistic folk love to misuses this verse. This verse has been a favorite verse of legalistic parents, youth ministries, and churches for years. The problem? The verse does not mean what so many ... Continue Reading
3 Encouragements for Pastors
1) "For they say,’ His letters are weighty and strong, but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech of no account." 2 Corinthians 10:10Pastor, know that you are not alone. You’re not the only one who has had church folk talk badly about you. Paul did as well. He heard of the things people in Corinth were saying about him. ... Continue Reading
Peter’s Final Words
2 Pet 3:18 "But grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen." ... Continue Reading