What do you appreciate now that you did not appreciate 5 years ago? Maybe you didn't start enjoying Sunsets until last year. Or Summer used to be your favorite season and now your favorite season is Fall. Is it possible or even probable that in 5 more years our appreciations will have changed or grown again? So what not start today? I want to start ... Continue Reading
Sacrificing Jesus for the Praise of the Crowd
Mark 15:15 "So, Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified." Crowd approval is so addicting. Don't we all long for this? No matter how small or large the crowd is, there is something intoxicating about people ... Continue Reading
Sermon Outline: John 5:30-47
John 5:30-49Jesus vs ReligionIntro: Jesus the Broken Record What gets Jesus angry? What is Jesus continually deconstructing? Jesus fights false peace to usher in true peace. Jesus keeps fighting against external so called holiness. Religion is about what I do for God. ... Continue Reading
The Haman Complex
Esther 7:6 "And Haman said to himself, "Whom would the king delight to honor more than me?" Haman's heart is the story of every human heart. The book of Esther gives us a window into just how deep depravity really is. The human heart cannot fathom a scenario in which it would not be honored. At the core of our very being ... Continue Reading
Jesus was Kind of Like a Broken Record
It has been my privilege to preach through the book of John. I serve as the "Assistant Pastor" or the "Pastor's Assistant", depending on who you ask, at Christian Covenant Fellowship in Carterville. One of the responsibilities that our elders have given me is to preach ever other week. I felt God leading me to preach through ... Continue Reading
The Gospel Post Podcast
I started a Podcast. You can find it here and on itunes by searching "Gospel Post". Check it out. I hope you enjoy it. ... Continue Reading
Sermon Outline: The Radical Freedom of Jesus
John 4:46-5:18 "The Radical Freedom of Jesus" Intro: Jesus Claims to Be God If I go to another country I have to bring a passport and drivers license. DMV 45 forms of identification. If you don't have that authorizing ID you wont be believed. Jesus gives us more that just claims. He ... Continue Reading
Outline from One Flesh Week 2: The Fall
One FleshWeek 2 "The Fall" Intro: Last Week ReviewThe Sin of Adam and Eve The Results of The Fall The Triumph of Jesus ... Continue Reading
Martyn Lloyd-Jones: “I am not surprised by the sin in the world”
"I don't expect men to live decently and in order, I expect nothing but what I am seeing. Man is the slave of sin and of Satan, therefore he lives according to that whole position, and I am not surprised. I am not surprised at world wars, I am not surprised at atomic and hydrogen bombs, I am not surprised at adultery and lust, I am not surprised at ... Continue Reading
Sermon Outline for “Jesus and the Woman at the Well”
You can listen to this sermon Here John 4:1-45 "Jesus and the Woman at the Well"Intro: Is Anyone To Far To Be Saved?Some believe God shakes in his boots when they come around. God is not scared of you. He knows more than what other people know of you. Some Christians believe that there are some groups that are too ... Continue Reading