1 Cor 16:8-9 “But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”
A couple of years ago I was talking to a pastor about another pastor friend of mine. This other pastor was in his early 30’s and had been pastoring a traditional baptist church for a few years. God had done some incredible things at the church but I made the comment “I don’t know how he deals with those type of people, I could never pastor a traditional church”. By grace I now look back on those comments and see the stupidity and immaturity of them. It’s the Gospel of Jesus that the Holy Spirit used to break my heart of those old and prideful thoughts I had.
What if half of all the young men who are currently wanting to plant a church had a heart like my young pastor friend? Instead, most young church planters look at the open doors of ministry in older, traditional churches, see the adversaries and tuck tail and run. Why is it that so many more young pastors see the open door of church planting and run fearlessly through the adversity filled door?
I am asking God to raise up more church planters. But I am also asking God to change the heart and open the eyes of those same planters to see open doors of ministry in traditional churches. Our older brothers and sisters need us. It will be hard, there will be adversaries, but the doors are being opened.
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