In a world that is clueless about commitment, beauty, love, loyalty, womanhood, manhood, the bible, and everything else, how on earth is a man to find a real woman? My answer? God. In fact this one of the only things I have ever disagreed with my favorite preacher Matt Chandler about. I have heard him countless times say “There is no magical “ONE” out there for you. You know how you can know you married the “One”? You married her”. Now I think I understand what he means. Married folks are never right to say “Well we both just missed the one, that’s why the marriage sucks”. But is there anything more to say? I think so. Consider this. God is sovereign over all things “Eph 1:11” even the place in which I dwell “Acts 17:26”. If then God is sovereign over all things even the house in which we live then is He not also Sovereign over the person we married? I think so. God is the one who prepared Jordan for me and me for Jordan before the foundation of the world. The God who appointed my dwelling place is the one who appointed my wife.
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