Think about the debates you have heard on Sovereignty and Human Responsibility. Typically those debates end up being a battle of favorite proof-text verses. Many of the struggles people have with the bible center around paradoxical teaching. Some call them contractions, others pick their favorite paradoxical side and then ignore the other. Is there a better way? We seem to want option A or option B. Let me propose a different kind of A or B formula. Maybe we can have A and B without being wishy washy. I think we can. I hope this makes sense:)
Option A
It’s A or B. So lets fight it out.
Option B
It’s A and B. And we have no idea how.
With this formula for biblical interpretation we don’t have to pick which verses we like. This gives us the framework to say what the bible says about God’s sovereignty and what the bible says about Human Responsibility while shrugging our shoulders. We don’t have to pick. We are free to love all the bible teaches not just the parts we like. A paradox after all is a paradox because there is absolute clarity about two things that seem contradictory. So lets believe both.
So go with option B and enjoy the mystery of the bible!
Oh…. BTW. Think may help with other biblical teachings like the The Trinity, the two natures of Christ, and prayer.
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