Some of this is in jest. I have appreciated and appreciate many pastors and authors who talk about contextualization of the Gospel. But….. Here are some thoughts to consider.
- Who do you listen to online? Are they in a similar context as you?
- If you are understanding and learning about the importance of contextualization from someone who is not in your context what does that tell you about contextualization?
- Contextualization is natural. You live in your context. You will have to work hard to speak in a way your people won’t understand.
- Some of the biggest heralds of contextualization lead video venue churches that bring the same sermon into differing contexts. And the people understand the preacher believe it or not.
- If you are speaking English to English speaking people and preaching the Gospel faithfully you have mastered contextualization in preaching.
- Pastors often over think things and then do conferences about it. Then pastors from rural communities come to the big city to listen to this weird urban dweller talk about contextualization.
- Pastor don’t stress, and try not to freak out about what you are not doing.
- Preach the Gospel as faithfully and clearly as you can. The Great Contextualizer the Holy Spirit will do the work .
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