J.D. Greear, Pastor of the Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, posted a blog today on The Biggest Questions I Get On Genesis 1 and 2. I'm not asked his first question as often, but I get asked the second question all the time: "Do the creation accounts of Genesis ... Continue Reading
Can Seventh-Day Adventism Be Reformed?
Dear Pastor GabeThank you for When We Understand the Text and all your videos. I noticed in your video on Jehovah's Witnesses that you mention Seventh Day Adventism, and you mention that an Adventist can be a Christian, but in the fine-print you say that you ... Continue Reading
Proof Planned Parenthood Is Breaking the Law
The following is a letter I sent to Bob Cesca in August, 2015, responding to an article he wrote for Salon.com. I never got a reply from Mr. Cesca. There are some points in this letter that I believe are relevant to current headlines involving Planned ... Continue Reading
The Heresy of False Teacher John Pavlovitz (a response to “10 Things This Christian Doesn’t Believe About the Bible”)
A little over a year ago, I wrote an article about a then-lesser-known blogger named John Pavlovitz, warning Christians to stay away from his stuff because he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. A couple days ago, he wrote a blog that confirms just how true that ... Continue Reading
Loving Our Pro-Life Neighbors (A Response to Karen Swallow Prior’s Article in Christianity Today)
In the wake of the shooting a week ago at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood facility, Karen Swallow Prior wrote an article for Christianity Today entitled Loving Our Pro-Choice Neighbors in Word and Deed. The article has caused a bit of a stir, ... Continue Reading
Are T.D. Jakes and Steven Furtick Heretics?
Through the ministry When We Understand the Text, I've fielded a few questions about Steven Furtick and whether or not he is trustworthy. To give the best answer that I can, I've decided to use Steven's recent appearance at Bishop T.D. Jakes' mega-plex, the ... Continue Reading
Why Are You Praying for Paris?
#PrayForParis has been a common hashtag on Twitter and Facebook since the terror attack in Paris, France on November 13, 2015. About 129 people were killed in coordinated attacks around Paris, and over 300 more injured.Should we pray? Absolutely we should. I ... Continue Reading