A couple weeks ago, Beki and I had a night to ourselves, so we decided as part of our evening we would go out and see a movie. It was just a PG film, supposed to be family-friendly entertainment. We could have taken the kids. But as early as the previews, we ... Continue Reading
A Message For Our Graduates (2014)
This is a message shared with our 2014 graduates at our church this past Sunday, May 18. The full video of the sermon can be found here. Links to various videos and scriptures are made throughout the transcript.Since my senior year of high school, I’ve spoken ... Continue Reading
Letter to Westboro Baptist Church Regarding Their Graduation Protest of Junction City High School
Dear Westboro Baptist ChurchIt has come to my attention that you plan on picketing the graduation of Junction City High School on May 18. The high school is next door to our church, First Southern Baptist. Throughout the school year, we have been feeding, ... Continue Reading
A Prayer for the Media
We had a prayer gathering at a park here in our community for the National Day of Prayer. I don't usually write out my prayers, but I did this year. I was asked to pray for our media, so this is what I prayed.Our merciful Savior, I come before you today as ... Continue Reading
The Stupidity of Hagee’s Blood Moons Prophesy
Is this, like, the year of false teaching? Or is it just because I've spent most of my year in 1 and 2 Timothy that my radar is specifically pointed toward this stuff? Good grief but is there a lot of stupid going on. And if it offends you that a pastor just ... Continue Reading
Review of the Movie “Heaven Is for Real”
This completes a trilogy of movie reviews on religious films that started with the blasphemous depiction of the Son of God and the satanic version of Noah. Next week, Heaven Is for Real hits theaters, conveniently opening right between Palm Sunday and ... Continue Reading
17 People Did Not Die On a Roller Coaster
Are you seeing a Facebook status circulating about 17 people dying on a roller coaster at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida? Don't click on it or you'll get hacked. The beat goes like this...(Warning: Shocking Video) Fox News Flash : 17 passengers ... Continue Reading